Let’s work togetherSub-Contractor Pre Qualification Questionnaire Company Details Company Name * Primary Trade Architect/Designer Civil engineer Structural engineer Mechanical engineer Electrical engineer Construction managers Carpenters Electricians Plumbers HVAC mechanics Insulation Roofers Plasterers Flooring Painting and Decorating Glazers Labourers Surveyors Plant operators Other Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Website http:// Phone (###) ### #### Email Company Registration Number VAT Registration Number Main Contact/Lead Person Name of main contact/lead person Position within Company Phone (if different from above) (###) ### #### Health & Safety Person with overall responsibility for Health & Safety * Same as main contact/lead person Other First Name Last Name Job title Email Phone (###) ### #### Experience & Qualifications Person with day to day responsibility for Health & Safety * Same as above Other First Name Last Name Job title Email Phone (###) ### #### Experience & Qualifications Do you have an appointed internal or external Health & Safety Advisor? * Yes No Name of appointed advisor First Name Last Name Email Phone (###) ### #### Experience & Qualifications Do you have an appointed First Aider? Yes No Name of appointed First Aider First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone (###) ### #### Experience & Qualifications Have you had any HSE Prohibition, FFI or Improvement Notices within the last 3 years? * Yes No If yes, please provide details Have you had any RIDDOR incidents within the last three years? * Yes No If yes, please provide details Please provide a signed copy of your Company Health and Safety Policy, dated within the last 12 months (file types allowed .doc, .docx, .pdf, max file size 10mb) FileField; MaxSize=10000 Please attach a copy of a recent RAMS and Safe System of Work relevant to your works dated within the past 6 months (file types allowed .doc, .docx, .pdf, max file size 10mb) FileField; Multiple; MaxSize=10000 Please state your procedures and frequency for the monitoring of Health, Safety and Environment onsite. Insurance Do you have any of the following insurance cover? Public Liability Product Liability Employers' Liability Plant Insurance Contracts Insurance Other (please give details) If other, please specify Please provide a copy of your current insurance schedules which should contain the level of cover held, policy numbers and expiry dates (file types allowed .doc, .docx, .pdf, max file size 10mb) FileField; Multiple; MaxSize=10000 Compliance with regulation Are there any court actions and/or tribunal hearings outstanding against your Company? * Yes No If you have answered Yes, please provide further details Is your company bankrupt or being wound up? * Yes No Are your company affairs being administered by the court? * Yes No Has your company entered any arrangement with creditors? * Yes No Has your company ever been convicted of an offence concerning its professional conduct? * Yes No Trade qualifications or foremen/operatives Please tick below the training and/or qualifications your foremen/operatives have. This is to ensure all personnel has suitable skills for the activities assigned to them, unless there are specific situations where they need to work under competent control and/or supervision. SMSTS SSSTS CPCS or equivalent Plant Operators Card CISRS, Gas Safe, IPAF, SKILLcard, Other NVQ, C&G or Certificates Asbestos Awareness Working at Height First Aid at Work Fire Training Trade or Skill Any other health and safety related training If other, please specify Please attach copies of certificates (file types allowed .doc, .docx, .pdf, max file size 10mb) FileField; Multiple; MaxSize=10000 Please confirm that relevant operatives hold a current CSCS Card Yes No Please confirm the date your operatives last received Health and Safety training. MM DD YYYY Sub-contractors Do you use subcontractors on any projects? Yes No If yes, please provide details of the procedures you will use to ensure that they are competent and managed correctly Accreditations Please tick the accreditations you have: SSIP CHAS SMAS Declaration Name of person completing this form First Name Last Name Position within Company I confirm that all personnel associated with our Company are fully conversant and compliant with the requirements of CDM2015 and that all information given in this assessment is correct. * By submitting your information through this form, you agree to Harrity Building and Construction Ltd storing and processing your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy (see website). This policy explains how we use your data, your rights under data protection law, and how to contact us about your information. You can withdraw your consent at any time. I confirm Thank you for your interest in working with us, we'll be in touch if we need anything more.